
TLALPUJAHUA The Magical Mining Town of Christmas Tlalpujahua and Angangueo are the two Magical Mining Towns of Michoacán. Both towns share stories of wealth and loss, which today give way to new stories of Christmas illusion and nearby forests full of monarch...


JIQUILPAN Bohemian Magical Town, home of artists and refuge of traditions Jiquilpan is a peaceful town with lively portals, leafy gardens, beautiful temples and pleasant walks. A town that is covered in a blue veil when the jacarandas bloom. A people passionate about...


ANGANGUEO Magical mining town surrounded by butterflies Nestled in a ravine, Angangueo meanders between wooded hills. It is precisely here, in the mountains that surround it, where millions of monarch butterflies gather every winter. Between November and March,...


TZINTZUNTZAN The Magic Town that was the capital of an empire Tzintzuntzan has a glorious past as the capital of the Purépecha empire, when it had a population of 30,000 people. During the conquest, Tzintzuntzan became the first city in Michoacán and was, very...


TACÁMBARO The Magical Town that brought out the romantic side of Lázaro Cárdenas An idyllic scene appears among pine forests: a fairytale valley with its wooded hills, its mist on the peaks, its fruit orchards and its little white and red town. The Magical Town of...