
CUITZEO On the shores of the lake, a town that was a mission and today is magical The Purépechas settled on the north shore of Lake Cuitzeo. The Augustinians arrived and built an extraordinary convent to evangelize the region. Cuitzeo grew and today this peaceful...

Noche de Muertos

NOCHE DE MUERTOS Animecha Kejtsïtakua Nov 1 and nov 2 Noche de Muertos  Check program Constant program update. Last update: October 28, 2022   Meet the tradition! Here death fills the homes, pantheons and sidewalks with life, which overflowing with altars,...


MICHOACAN GASTRONOMY The origin of our cuisine, Intangible Heritage of Humanity. THE CRADLE OF MEXICAN CUISINE! If traditional Mexican cuisine is a World Heritage Site, it is thanks to the traditional Purépecha cooks, who have kept their rich gastronomic culture...

Voladores de san pedro

voladores de San Pedro Tarímbaro  Tlalpujahua Intangible Heritage of Humanity KNOW THEM NOW! On June 29, the image of San Pedro Apóstol is honored in the town of San Pedro Tarímbaro near Tlalpujahua. The following Sunday you can see a show of traditional flyers, a...


PIREKUA From the verb pireni, p’urhepecha voice that means to sing LET’S SING TO THE RHYTHM OF THE PIREKUA! The pirekua is a traditional song of the P’urhépecha indigenous communities of the State of Michoacán, performed by men and women. The...